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Compassionate Child Therapist for Kids and Teens

Just like adults, children often experience psychological issues that are difficult to manage alone. A child therapist can help kids and teens work through specific circumstances, feelings, or disorders that interfere with the way they think, behave, and learn.

girls reading a book together

Reasons to Seek Therapy for Kids and Teens

Many children deal with personal struggles in their family and social spheres. Because they have a hard time processing or communicating their concerns, they often demonstrate extreme emotions such as sadness, anger, apathy, or anxiety. Certain conditions can also negatively impact their psychological well-being, making it difficult for young children and teens to succeed at school, make friends, or feel good about themselves. Through therapy, children can learn to share their thoughts and feelings, set boundaries, and work through problems in a healthy, constructive way.

Schedule a Consultation Today

At Cross The Bridge Counseling, a therapist will work with your child to improve on coping, communication, and problem-solving skills that foster prosperity and confidence. Contact us today at 845-342-5789 to schedule a consultation.

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