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We Provide Solutions to Homework Anxiety in Hudson Valley

Many children dread the end of the summer season. This time of year often involves fear, disillusionment, and anxiety about going back to school and starting a new routine. Though some nervousness is to be expected with school-related activities, severe anxiety should be addressed early on to prevent the development of anxiety disorders later in life. If your child has issues completing their homework or refuses to get on the bus in the morning, Cross The Bridge Counseling is here to help. Give our therapists a call today to help your child build a positive relationship with school and homework.

girls reading a book together

Signs of Anxiety in Children

Signs of anxiety in children may not be as evident as they are in adults. They may be misdirected or not as pronounced as one might expect. It is essential to take note of when your child most often exhibits symptoms of anxiety. Some signs to look out for include the following:

  • Frequent headaches, stomachaches, nausea, or insomnia
  • Resistance to going to school
  • Disproportionate reactions to homework or upcoming tests
  • Difficulty relating to peers or being involved in social activities
  • Making excuses to get out of activities children typically enjoy
  • Emotional problems, including crying often or easily
  • Feelings of insecurity or that they are being watched

Effective Learning Tools for Children With Anxiety

Although it may seem like your child is simply overreacting or being lazy, there could be a wide range of issues at play below the surface. Children who experience anxiety with homework may also be battling low self-esteem, perfectionism, or even panic disorders. They may feel that they are entirely incapable of completing what is being asked of them. With the help of our professionals, we believe your child can conquer their anxiety and experience success at school. Play therapy has proven to be incredibly effective at soothing feelings of anxiety and teaching healthy coping mechanisms. With the help of our knowledgeable professionals, your child will soon be able to manage their feelings in a productive manner and accomplish the tasks assigned to them.

Contact Us for Professional Help With Homework Anxiety

We believe that every child deserves to have a positive relationship with school. Homework, tests, and social activities are a valuable part of growing up, and your child deserves to experience them in a healthy manner. The caring therapists at Cross The Bridge Counseling will provide a calm learning environment to help your child develop essential coping skills. If your child experiences unmanageable levels of anxiety, give us a call today. We would be happy to answer your questions and help you schedule an appointment.

Schedule an Intake Appointment With Our Licensed Therapists Today